Thursday, May 23, 2019

Heart Surgery In Delhi, India

After Heart surgery - Recovery time from Heart Surgery (A day-to-day description)

There has always been a widespread perception that one of the scariest parts of any surgical experience is the pain and discomfort following surgery. Well, here is the good news. Things have radically changed thanks to the adoption of advanced minimally invasive techniques in most of our open heart patients. Even the sickest, elderly and frail patients can now enjoy a fast and uneventful recovery. What follows is a description of an average timeline and routine surgical recovery following open heart surgery. Please feel free to contact to me or my secretary with any questions or comments.

Day Zero (the day of surgery)

Heart surgery In India, Minimally invasive proceduresOperation Theatre
Most minimally invasive procedures are performed through a tiny 2" incision between the ribs without breaking any bone. In women a tiny heart surgery scar can be often hidden in the skin fold underneath the breast. This scar becomes therefore virtually invisible over time and that is why these techniques are often described as scar-less heart surgery. At the end of the procedure a local anesthetic is injected in between the ribs and makes the surgical incision completely numb for a while.
After the surgical procedure is completed, the patient is transferred back to the ICU still sleeping and breathing through a ventilator. All monitoring lines, chest tubes and bladder catheter are kept in. Within the following six hours he/she is allowed to slowly wake up and the breathing tube is removed. We want our patients to wake up slowly and in a drowsy and stress-free state. It is good for the heart and it avoids big swings in blood pressure. Most patients overnight in the ICU and have a specialized nurse assigned to constant bedside management under the direction of the treating surgeon. Heart surgery recovery in this set up is safe and reliable.

CTVS-ICU, Heart surgery In India, heart surgery hospital in india CTVS-ICU
Cardiac HDU Ward, Heart surgery In India Cardiac HDU Ward

The morning after surgery most patients are very comfortable and wide awake. Not much of an appetite, maybe some occasional bloating and constipation. These are minor side effects of the anesthesia drugs that resolve uneventfully in a day or two. The chest tubes, bladder catheters and monitoring lines are removed and our patients are allowed to stand up and sit out of bed in a chair. Later on in the day they are transferred to a private room in our adjacent Step Down Unit, staffed by the same group of specialized ICU nurses. The room is spacious and has a convertible sofa that can be used if a friend or a relative wants to stay with the patient overnight.
At this point most patients can start walking up and down the corridor with family members or a physical therapist. A mild soreness at the surgical site is present and it can be easily managed with pain pills. Patients are encouraged to walk as much as they are comfortable with and to carry out deep breathing exercises to clear up their lungs.

Day Two or Three

Still pretty comfortable and wide awake. Appetite is better and stomach feels fine. It gets easier to walk up and down the corridor or to the lobby. Most patients can be discharged home or to a rehab facility in two to three days after surgery. All instructions and prescriptions are given to them and an appointment for a follow up visit is set up.
Step Down Corridor, Heart surgery In IndiaStep Down Corridor

Following one to two weeks

Cardiovascular Lobby, Heart surgery In IndiaCardiovascular Lobby
Once he/she is home or at the rehab facility, a gradual increase in physical activity is recommended. By the end of these three or four weeks most patients have resumed their routine daily activities, including driving and going out (weather permitting). Most out-of-state patients are allowed to travel back home within the first seven days after surgery (day 7). After a successful postoperative visit in our office most patients can follow up with their primary care physician and/or cardiologist.

Tags= Best Heart Surgeon In India, Best Cardiac Surgeon in Delhi, Cardiac Surgeon In Delhi, Best Heart Surgeon in Delhi, Top heart surgeon in delhi

Atrial Fibrillation Surgery In Delhi, India

Atrial Fibrillation Surgery In Delhi, India Atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib) is the most common abnormal heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation is an irregular, frequently rapid heart rhythm originating in the atria (top chambers of the heart). Instead of the normal situation (normal sinus rhythm) in which a single impulse travels in an orderly fashion through the heart, in AF many impulses begin simultaneously and spread through the atria, causing a rapid and disorganized heartbeat.

Surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation is considered when

  • Medical therapy does not effectively control or correct atrial fibrillation
  • Medications for atrial fibrillation are not tolerated
  • Anticoagulants (coumadin/warfarin) can not be taken
  • Blood clots, including strokes, occur
Minimally invasive surgery is an option for many patients with atrial fibrillation. Surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation also may be considered when surgery is needed to treat a coexisting heart condition, such as valve or coronary artery disease.

Tags= Best Heart Surgeon In India, Cardiac Surgeon In Delhi, Heart Transplant Surgery In Delhi,
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery In Delhi

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Dr. Rajneesh Malhotra - Heart surgeon in delhi/ncr

Chief-CTVS, Max Delhi & NCR Hospital

Dr. Rajneesh Malhotra is the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi. He also offers a consultation at Dharm Clinic, Kalkaji, New Delhi. He is an expert in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement, and repairs, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), Aortic Valve Replacement and Repair, Atrial Septal Defects (ASD's), Robotic Cardiac Surgery.
  • MBBS from King George Medical College, Lucknow
  • MS(General Surgery) from King George Medical College, Lucknow
  • M.Ch Cardio Thoracic Surgery from Laxmipat Singhania Institute of Cardiology, Kanpur
  • Fellowship in Cardiac Surgery from Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery : Medtronic Inc.Minneapolis, USA
  • 25 years of rich experience in Cardiac Surgery
  • Work as Director - Cardiac Surgery, Medanta: The Medicity, Gurgaon 2009-2012
  • Work as Senior Consultant - Cardiac Surgeon, Escorts Heart Institution and Research Centre, Delhi
  • Work as Chief Consultant - Cardiac Surgeon, Durden's Heart Surgical Centre, Colombo, Srilanka

  • More than 50 publications in various International and National Journals and presented more than 50 papers in various International and National Scientific Meetings
  • Chapters in Books: Asia Pacific Cardiology: Developments in Total Arterial Myocardial Revascularisation
  • Chapters in Books: Elsevier Educational Series In Cardiology: History of Cardiac Transplant
  • Chapters in Books: International Travel Awards Recipient - Asian Society of Cardio-Vascular Surgery, Fukuoka, Japan
  • Chapters in Books: Best Oral Presentation at Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery at San Francisco, USA
  • dr. j. j. Sood Oration Award 2013

  • Member of Southern Thoracic and Cardiovascular Society, USA
  • Member of European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, London, UK
  • Member of International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (ISMICS)
  • Life Membership and Fellowship of Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons of India (IACTS)
  • Member of Indian Association of Surgeons of India
  • Member of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery NET (CFS NET)
  • Member of Indian College of Cardiology
  • Member of Indian College of Indian Medical Association Delhi Branch
  • European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS)
Area of Interest

  • Expert in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Survey i.e. Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement, Repairs, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting(CABG), Aortic Valve Replacement & Repair, Atrial Septal Defects(ASD)
  • Robotic Cardiac Surgery
  • ECMO - Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  • Surgical treatment of heart failure and ventricular assist devices (VAD)
Location and Duration of OPD

Monday to Sunday - 9.00 am - 6.00 pm


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lobectomy Surgery In Delhi

It is the surgical procedure of removal of a lobe of an organ which means the removal of a section of the lung which is badly damaged or diseases or prevents cancer from the spreading.
In the procedure, the affected lobe of the lung will be removed because the healthy tissue is spared to maintain healthy function of the lung.

How does lobectomy regulate?

There will be a different type of lobectomy and each one will be performed differently. Most of them will perform via thoracotomies, which mean we will make a small incision on the side of the chest between two ribs and perform this surgery and remove the affected lobe.
Other alternatives are via traditional throactomy in which we make three small incisions and one large incision around the surgical area and then perform the surgery. We also doing with open chest also.

Advantages of Lobectomy?

  • It helps to stop/ slow the spreading of cancer
  • It also helps in spreading the infections and other diseases
  • It also removes the affected portion of the lung which is badly damaged
  • It also prevents the adequate blood flow to another part of the body after removes affected lobe

Preparation for a lobectomy

  • The patient needs at least 8 hours of fasting before performing the surgeries. Most often no eating after midnight
  • smokers are asked to stop smoking prior to a lobectomy because this will help the patient to recover faster
  • most patients receive a sedative which mean we give general anaesthesia before the surgery to help them relax.

Outlook after the Lobectomy

  • All the patient need to stay almost 7-8 days of hospital stays after the surgery.
  • most of the patient return to go their normal duties after a few days of discharge
  • Patient avoids heavy lifting for 6-12weeks after the surgery. The patient can lift up to 10kg until the doctor determines physical fitness
  • the doctor will also explained a plan of care and activity level, diet while incisions heal.
  • Regular follow-up need to be undertake by taking prior appointment just to check status of incisons, medicine and X-ray just to make sure the area of the removed lobe is healing properly.
If the things go well the patient will fully be healed in less than 3 months

For More Detail

Best Heart Surgeon In India Million of surgeries are done each year to correct heart problems among children and adults. Although there are more than a. - ppt download

Best Heart Surgeon In India Million of surgeries are done each year to correct heart problems among children and adults. Although there are more than a. - ppt download: Heart Transplant In Delhi A heart transplant gives a patient with congenital heart disease the opportunity to have a normal heart with normal blood circulation. If the transplant goes well, heart function and blood flow will be better than ever.congenital heart disease A heart transplant replaces the patient's heart with a donor heart. Doctors remove the patient's heart by transecting the aorta, the main pulmonary artery and the superior and inferior vena cavae, and dividing the left atrium, leaving the back wall of the left atrium with the pulmonary vein openings in place. The surgeon connects the donor heart by sewing together the recipient and donor vena cavae, aorta, pulmonary artery and left atrium. In patients with congenital heart disease, the surgeon may simultaneous transplant the lungs and the heart.heart transplant

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Minimally Thymectomy Treatment in Delhi

It is the surgical procedure which removes thymic tissue from the thymus. "Maximal" thymectomy is required to ensure the removal of all available thymus. The procedure is recommended to all patient undergoing thymectomy in the treatment of myasthenia gravis with or without thymoma and in the treatment with or without myasthenia gravis.
The thymus is the gland which presents in the chest area which helps to develop the immune system of the body. And a thymectomy is the surgical procedure which removes the thymus gland. It is removed as the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis in the hope of increasing the chance of remission from the disease.

What is thymoma?

It is the tumor of the thymus gland. The tumor will grow bigger which affect the blood vessel, lung and heart to perform well. so we need to remove the tumor before it affects the other part of organs.

How does thymectomy fit in with the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis?

Thymectomy is not a complete cure, it increases one's chance of remission and makes the disease less severe. It is the only one for the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

New Horizons In Cardiac Surgery in Delhi

Cardiac transplantation is presently the optimum surgical treatment for heart failure. Allograft transplantation result in 90% survival in one year and 50% survival in five years with return to a near normal quality of life. However, the scarcity of donor organs means that less than one tenth of potential recipients receive an organ. Recent successful heart transplantation’s performed using Dead man’s heart (not brain dead man) as a heart donor has given a new hope to the potential recipients. Longer term problems include a prevalence of coronary artery disease, due to chronic immunological rejection, renal impairment due to cyclosporine toxicity, and an increased risk of malignancy because of chronic immune-suppression. Despite recent claims for transgenic porcine hearts and the potential for their off the shelf” availability, rejection of xeno transplants is likely to be worse than for allograft and is unlikely to be solved by immune-suppressive agents alone. This, together with the possibility of retrovirus transmission, has led to the recent moratorium on the progression to human xeno transplants.

Mechanical support devices

In the last few years, implantable mechanical support devices have joined the list of long term options for heart failure. These devices, initially used in the 1960s to completely replace the native heart in moribund patients awaiting transplantation, required fixed attachment of the patient to a bulky external console. In contrast, the current implantable left ventricular assist devices augment the function of the native heart and can be powered by portable battery packs. Their success in supporting patients awaiting transplantation over months (“bridge to transplant”), allied to the growing imbalance between demand for the supply of hearts for transplantation, has encouraged their permanent implantation. Two electrically driven left ventricular assist devices (the Novacor and the heartmate) are now available for long term implantation. Their major limitations are the risks of infection, thromboembolism, noise, and batteries that need to be charged every eight to twelve hours.
Two newer concepts show promise in the surgical treatment of heart failure. The jarvik 2000 is an axial flow pump, about the size of a thumb( in contrast to the one litre volume displacement of the heartmate), designed to sit within the apex of the left ventricular and silently deliver non-pulsatile flow rates upto 10 litres per minutes. Its long term physiological effects are still under investigation, but in animal models it has shown excellent haemodynamic performance without evidence of haemolysis, but in animal models it has shown excellent haemodynamic performance without evidence of haemolyisis. It is likely to be avialble for clinical use within a year. Secondly, evidence is accumulating that prolonged support with left ventricular assist devices may allow at least some recovery of native cardiac functions. Reports are emerging of succelful explants of devices after three to six months of support. The raises the fascinating possibility that mechanical intervention at an earlier stage in the course of certain types of heart failure, including viral myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy, might restore normal cardiac function (“bridge to recovery”)
Many question remain unanswered. Left ventricular assist devices are inherently expensive, but randomized trials comparing them with medical treatment or transplantation may prove them cost effective. Should they be used at an earlier stage of heart failure in the hope of promoting native cardiac recovery? Would a silent, miniaturized, fully implantable device prove preferable to conventional transplantation or xenotransplantation with immunosuppressant and other inherent problems? Is it possible that these different surgical approaches to heart failure might become complimentary treatments at different stages of the disease, allowing the surgical procedure to be tailored to individual patients? The current lack of donor organs for transplantation adds urgency to the debate.

Fetal Cardiac Surgery

The aim of fetal intervention should be to provide foetuses with heart defects, who had hitherto been “condemned-to-die”, a meaningful chance of survival. Preserving heart muscle function, preventing progression of already existing changes(like a condition called Fibroelastosis), and restoring a near-normal pattern of growth to the heart chambers and blood vessels are the targets of fetal surgery. If this is achieved, then any future operations after the child is born could be fully reconstructive, done at a single stage and with reasonable chances of restoring a normal heart, and a normal life span to the survivor.
Contrast this with the present situation where corrective operations for complex heart defects need to be done in multiple stages, each with its own risks and complications, and ultimately resulting in a life expectancy and a lifestyle considerably different from normal persons. That such ideals can be achieved is suggested by the encouraging results of animal experiments. To perform surgery on intracardiac structures or great vessels, it is necessary to put the fetus on extracorporeal circulation(i.e., Cardiac bypass). Since the fetus is already on physiologic ‘bypass via the placenta, extracorporeal cardiac bypass in the fetus is much more complex that cardiopulmonary bypass can be safely performed in foetuses as small as 450 grams with transfusion.
The current status of fetal cardiac surgery is similar to the field of infant heart surgery 60 years ago, when it was clear that correction of certain congenital defects would provide great benefit, but there was no safe and effective method to gain access to the heart. However, with the development cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) equipment and techniques, intraoperatives access to the heart became possible. This allowed postnatal cardiac surgery to be done safely and effectively. If similar “low risk”techniques, understanding and equipment existed for the fetus, there would be little argument that fetal cardiac surgery would be preferable e for certain congenital lesions. I predict that when fetal cardiac surgical techniques become equally advanced and safe, (which won’t be long), innovative cardiac surgeons will surely expand the indications for the procedure to cover the entire spectrum of congenital heart disease. And that would be the end of birth defects of the heart, as we know them today. This sure is a great time to be a cardiac surgeon!

Genetic Engineering

Concept of genetic engineering was a introduced by Herbert boyer and stenley cohen in the year 1971. In 1969, they performed studies on a couple of properties of enzymes known as aldectase. Boyer observed that these enzymes have the capability of cutting DNA strands in a particular fashion, which left what has become known as ‘sticky ends’ on the strands. These clipped ends are made by pasting together pieces of DNA which is a precise exercise. This discovery, in turn, led to a rich and rewarding conversation in Hawaii with a Stanford scientist named Stanley cohen. Cohen had been studying small ringles of DNA called plasmids which float about freely in the cytoplasm of certain bacterial cells and replicate independently from the coding strand of DNA. Cohen had developed a method of removing theses plasmids from the cell and then reinserting them in other cells. Combining this process with that of DNA splicing enabled Boyer and Cohen to recombine segments of DNA in desired configurations and insert the DNA in bacterial cells, which could then act as manufacturing plants for specific proteins . This breakthrough was the basis upon which the discipline of Generic engineering was founded. Modern molecular genetics has revolutionized medicine and our knowledge of ourselves. In simple terms, genetic engineering (GE) is the ability to manipulate the genes of an organism to produce a given protein or obtain organisms that have a given trait.
The first big success of GE was the production of insulin by genetically modified bacteria. It showed the medical, economical and industrial possibilities of this technology. Like a pyramid buried in the sands of desert, the possibilities and usage of GE were being uncovered. Thanks to refined techniques in molecular genetics and recombinant DNA techniques, its usage soon started to be employed in vast array of areas.
The greatest applications of genetics are in medicine. By knowing which gene, which piece of the genetic code is responsible for a given disease, physicians can diagnose the disease. It also provides scientists the opportunity to understand how disease occur and eventually develop treatments. A large part of modern biomedical research is conducted based on genetics and GE. For instance, in the field of aging research, we can alter the pace of aging in animal models by modifying in a single gene which allows us to study why we age and how can we treat the disease of old-age. At least until nanotechnology arrives. GE is the ultimate bio tool.
The possibilities for applying GE to change the human genome are immense: there are genes that offer protection against disease such as cancer and AIDS, genes that code enhanced senses and intelligence, anything we can imagine. For instance, it may be possible in near future to go the doctor and have a gene inserted that gives rise to a stronger immune system. Another technology is gene therapy, which usually works by injecting special viruses into patients that then deliver the gene of interest into the patient’s cells.
There are thousands of genetic diseases that are encoded by the nuclear genome, such as the Down’s syndrome. A complicated option to take care is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). In this technique, used to create what is often called a “designer baby”‘ an embryo is created by in-vitro-fertilization(IVF) and tested for genetic diseases and genomic imbalances that can cause problems to the child. This technique allows for the selection of healthy babies, but also to create a baby to treat a sick sibling. The next step in “designer babies” is to use GE to correct genetic diseases in the embryo. Importantly, germinal GE would allow for the evolution of the human species.
The 47th Chromosome, also called techno chromosome, is a therotical concept that proposes adding a new chromosome, or more likely a pair of chromosomes, to our current set of 46 chrosomes. This would allow us to include all the changes we desire without the danger of creating genetic imbalances by changing our current chromosomes. Molecular system engineering has created an artificial chromosome that can be passed into the progeny of mice, and there are attempts to expand this research into humans as cell mendiated gene therapy and stem cell therapy, so this is not science fiction. Forecasting the future isn’t easy. Nevertheless, it may be hoped that one day ene-therapy will realize its full potential and all the ailments of humanity will be wiped out from the face of day Gene-therapy will realize its full potential and all the ailments of humanity will be wiped out from the face of earth. Then no doubt, it will be total demise of cardiac surgery and cardiac surgeons will be busy in cutting and uniting the DNA creating new generation beyond humans.

Stem-Cell therapy-an adjust to heart surgery

The addiction of stem cells should help boost heart function and improve quality of life. Probably the most profound effect or benefit that patients could experience from an increase in EF is in their overall quality of life. “People below 40 percent begin to realize real limitations in exercise and their ability to perform activities of daily living. Those with EFs in the 20s can be severely restricted or disabled. Fortunately, stem cells have been shown to help those with the lowest EFs the most.
Stem cell probably functions best by helping save existing myocytes from death, not by creating new ones. The stem cells also seen to “stabilize the cytoskeleton of the heart and act as a ‘functional patch’ to maintain the proper geometry of the heart, which is very critical to the overall performance of the heart as it undergoes remodelling from injury”. Regenerative medicine, which includes stem cell therapies, is a highly translational field and there is a great deal of bench to bed-side and back to the bench that take place. Most investigators involved in these trials will need expertise both in the animal lab and with conducting human clinical trials.

Digitalisation of Cardiac Surgery

Tele cardiac surgery

Hippocrates(480-390 B.C) defined surgery as the therapeutic activity practiced by the means of the “hands.” The twentieth century has seen the addiction of laparoscopic surgery that moved the surgeon’s hand outside the body to reduce surgical trauma and improve patient outcomes. Despite these advances, some form of physical contact between the surgeon and patient has always remained. Surgical robotics at the turnoff the twenty-first century has produced the technology to disrupt even the paradigm of surgeon-patient proximity. Robotics entered the operating room in 1985 with the PUMA 200 industrial robot adapted for CT-guided biopsy. This first generation of surgical robots was notable was notable for performing image-guided precision tasks but was limited by the need for preoperative planning and basic computer interfaces. The development of telesurgery started in the 1970s with the aim to replace the surgeon’s physical presence in situations of mass casualties in hostile environments such as war or natural catastrophes. The ability to deliver surgical expertise to distant locations will benefit patients worldwide, especially those residing in rural areas with poor communication. Surgical candidates who cannot access to the health care facility for advanced cardiac care can be helped with this technology for primary consultation with a cardiac surgeon and further planning for required treatment.


The concept of telemedicine can also be applied for educational purpose. Eminent medical professionals can deliver lectures and demonstrations and perform live workshops which can be transmitted to remote places and institutes for the benefit of medical students. It saves lives in emergency situations when there is no time to take the patient to a hospital owing to remote location with poor connectivity of the place. Those patients residing in inaccessible areas or isolated regions like rural areas, can receive clinical healthcare from their home without arduous travel to the hospital. Telemedicine is an innovative system of healthcare provision from long distance utilizing the telecommunication and modern information technologies. Though this concept arrived in 20th century with telephone & radio, today diverse advanced technologies, including video telephone, latest tele-medical devices, mobile cooperation technology, diagnostic methods, distributed client or server applications etc. have upgraded the quality and extent of telemedicine service. This system has eliminated distance barriers to deliver clinical healthcare.
While the future is hard to predict, one thing is for sure, the paradigm of physical contact between the surgeon and patient has broken leading to an era where surgeons can advise and operate from across the room, across the country, and even across continents and impart education virtually.
See My PPT

Why you need the Services of the Best Heart Specialist Doctor in Delhi - Dr. Rajneesh Malhotra

Why you need the Services of the Best Heart Specialist Doctor in Delhi  Anybody living in Delhi with a heart condition needs the s...