It is the surgical procedure of removal of a lobe of an organ which means the removal of a section of the lung which is badly damaged or diseases or prevents cancer from the spreading.
In the procedure, the affected lobe of the lung will be removed because the healthy tissue is spared to maintain healthy function of the lung.
How does lobectomy regulate?
There will be a different type of lobectomy and each one will be performed differently. Most of them will perform via thoracotomies, which mean we will make a small incision on the side of the chest between two ribs and perform this surgery and remove the affected lobe.
Other alternatives are via traditional throactomy in which we make three small incisions and one large incision around the surgical area and then perform the surgery. We also doing with open chest also.
Advantages of Lobectomy?
- It helps to stop/ slow the spreading of cancer
- It also helps in spreading the infections and other diseases
- It also removes the affected portion of the lung which is badly damaged
- It also prevents the adequate blood flow to another part of the body after removes affected lobe
Preparation for a lobectomy
- The patient needs at least 8 hours of fasting before performing the surgeries. Most often no eating after midnight
- smokers are asked to stop smoking prior to a lobectomy because this will help the patient to recover faster
- most patients receive a sedative which mean we give general anaesthesia before the surgery to help them relax.
Outlook after the Lobectomy
- All the patient need to stay almost 7-8 days of hospital stays after the surgery.
- most of the patient return to go their normal duties after a few days of discharge
- Patient avoids heavy lifting for 6-12weeks after the surgery. The patient can lift up to 10kg until the doctor determines physical fitness
- the doctor will also explained a plan of care and activity level, diet while incisions heal.
- Regular follow-up need to be undertake by taking prior appointment just to check status of incisons, medicine and X-ray just to make sure the area of the removed lobe is healing properly.
If the things go well the patient will fully be healed in less than 3 months
Tags = Lobectomy Surgery In Delhi, Best Heart Surgeon In India, Best Cardiac Surgeon in Delhi, Top heart surgeon in Delhi
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