Thursday, April 25, 2019

Why you need the Services of the Best Heart Specialist Doctor in Delhi

Anybody living in Delhi with a heart condition needs the services of the best heart specialist doctor in Delhi.
Best heart specialist doctor in Delhi is the medical professional who can tell you if you suffer from heart ailments.

What is a Heart

Like other muscles in the body the heart is also a muscle. While a person controls other muscles in the body, the person cannot control the heart muscle as it beats 72 times in a minute completing a cardiac cycle every minute of its life in an involuntary action.

What are the Functions of a Heart

The heart is among the most vital organs in the body. It functions as a pump to circulate blood through a system of blood vessels. The heart functions throughout its life time. If the heart stops pumping blood then it dies and so does the person.
The heart performs its functions of receiving used blood from all over the body through the veins, sending the blood to the lungs for purification and receiving the purified blood from the lungs and finally pumping the purified blood to other parts of the body through the arteries. The heart comprises the heart chamber which is a muscle. The heart chamber comprises four parts and together with the circulatory system performs its assigned tasks.

What is Heart Disease

The heart is the central muscle that controls the function of pumping blood to all parts of the body. The heart supplies blood through the circulatory system consisting of blood vessels. The group comprising the heart and the blood vessels together with the blood that circulates in the body is the cardiovascular group.
Any disease that affects the heart and the blood vessels is a heart disease or a cardiovascular disease.

Types of Heart Disease

The various diseases affecting the heart include
  • Congenital heart defects or the disease a person is born with
  • Heart rhythm anomalies
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Blocked or narrowed blood vessels
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Angina or chest pain
  • Valve malfunctions
  • Heart muscle problems

What are Symptoms of Heart Disease

Symptoms depend on the disease affecting the specific part of the cardiovascular system. They include
  • Fainting, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, numbness, fluttering,
  • Pain in the chest, jaw, neck, abdomen and throat
  • Swelling in feet, abdomen,
  • Irregular heartbeats, rhythmic changes, slow or fast heartbeats
  • Dry cough, skin rashes, fever
  • Rhythmic changes, slow or fast heartbeats
Congenital heart defects are defects that a person is born with. The symptoms for disease of the heart due to congenital defects showing up at birth include
  • Poor weight gain, shortness of birth, swelling around the eyes, abdomen and legs and pale blue or grey skin color

Monday, April 22, 2019

Port Access Cardiac Surgery In Delhi

Port-Access surgery has been one of the most innovative forms of cardiac operations and has been widely used for the treatment of several cardiac diseases. Port access surgery is a version of the traditional coronary artery bypass graft where the sternum is not split. Small incisions or ports are made in the chest through which the surgeon will perform the operation. Port- Access technique is safe and permits reproduction of standardized results with the use of a very limited surgical approach.
We are convinced that this is a superior procedure for certain types of surgery, including isolated primary mitral valve repair or replacement(MVR), repair of a variety of atrial septal defects (ASDs), and atrial tumors (Myxoma).
Major advantages of port access surgery are minimal trauma, lesser pain, very small incision, lesser stay in the hospital, cosmetic advantage and faster recovery.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Best Heart Transplant surgery in Delhi

heart transplant gives a patient with congenital heart disease the opportunity to have a normal heart with normal blood circulation. If the transplant goes well, heart function and blood flow will be better than ever.
heart transplant replaces the patient's heart with a donor heart. Doctors remove the patient's heart by transecting the aorta, the main pulmonary artery and the superior and inferior vena cavae, and dividing the left atrium, leaving the back wall of the left atrium with the pulmonary vein openings in place. The surgeon connects the donor heart by sewing together the recipient and donor vena cavae, aorta, pulmonary artery and left atrium. In patients with congenital heart disease, the surgeon may simultaneous transplant the lungs and the heart.

Why we need heart transplant?

You may require a heart transplant for several reasons. The most common reason is that one or both ventricles have aren't functioning properly and severe heart failure is present. Ventricular failure can happen in many forms of congenital heart disease, but is more common in congenital defects with a single ventricle or if long-standing valve obstruction or leakage has led to irreversible heart failure.

How does it affect the heart?

The donor heart is matched to the recipient by blood type and body size. As the heart transplant recipient, you must take medications to prevent his or her immune system from rejecting the new heart. These drugs are called immunosuppressive medication. Your medical team will balance the amount of immunosuppressive medication you need to prevent rejection of your new heart with the risk of side effects, which include infection or cancer. What will I need in the future?
After your heart transplant, your cardiac team will monitor you closely for heart rejection, which can happen in the heart muscle cells or in the heart's arteries. They will also watch for side effects of the immunosuppressive medications, which include diabetes, infection, kidney disease, cancer or high blood pressure. If any of these problems arise, we will change the medication type or dose. We may also decide to change your immunosuppressive medications as new drugs become available.

Medical Follow-up

You will require regular checkups after your transplant. At these visits, we will do blood tests to check the levels of your immunosuppressive drugs and look for side effects. He or she may also order electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and Holter monitoring to help monitor your heart rhythm and function, or an endo-myocardial biopsy, which is a diagnostic procedure that surveys the sufficiency of your immunosuppressive therapy. we will evaluate your coronary arteries yearly or every other year to monitor for signs of narrowed coronary arteries in your transplanted heart. You should also have routine medical checkups to maintain overall health.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in india - Best Heart Surgeon in India

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery or Grafting is also known as CABG or Heart Bypass Surgery. It is also the commonly performed surgery around the World. Some people fail to cure the sickness simply due to ignorance or fear. The fear and ignorance need to be cleared so that most deserving lives could be saved by these procedures.
This surgery is done in order to clear the blockages at the heart muscle by letting the blood flow free. The bypass is performed by using the blood vessels from the patient’s body, the vessels he could spare. The blocks are not removed, but are bypassed; this is where the name bypass comes in.
There are two main approaches, in one, the left internal thoracic artery which is also known as internal mammary artery is diverted to the left anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery. The other, a vein called the great saphenous vein is removed from the patient’s leg; one end is attached to the aorta which is one of its major branches, and the other end is attached to the obstructed artery soon after the obstruction to restore to restore blood flow.

Why is CABG performed?

This surgery is performed to when a patient has severe blockages in the large coronary artery, this may be noticed, when the heart pumping becomes weak. The CABG is also an option for blockages in the heart that cannot be treated with PCI, in such situations; CABG may work the best than any other treatment.

CABG Aims;

  • Improving quality of life and reducing angina and other CHD symptoms
  • Allow a patient to resume a more healthy and active lifestyle
  • Improve the pumping action of the heart which has been damaged by a heart attack or any of that sort
  • Lower the risk of heart attacks in patients who suffer from diabetes or any other such sickness
  • Improve survival rate
The CABG has achieved much success, the results are excellent most of the time. The surgery helps completely relive or improve angina symptoms in most patients. Sometimes the symptoms may re-occur, but most of the time, patient’s have been symptom free for as long as 10 to 15 years. The risk of heart attack is reduced while allowing you to stay healthy and have a longer life.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in India

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in India is said to have achieved a number of success rates. Most International as well as local patients prefer India for cardiac related surgeries due to their success rates as well as affordable costs. India is known most affordable healthcare institute amongst most countries, both Western and Asian.
India is said to be using the latest medical facilities as well as procedures in order to convey the best treatments and quicker recovery to its patients. The country offers the best CABG at low costs. When compared with other countries, India offers 50 to 80% savings on the cost of CABG.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Success Rate of Bypass Surgery in India

To know the success rate of bypass surgery in India, we need to first find out what a heart bypass is, as well as how the surgery is done and how successful it is.

Heart Bypass Surgery or CABG Surgery

The heart bypass surgery is defined as a common procedure of surgery which incorporates diverting blood around the clogged arteries of the heart. This Surgery is also known as CABG which stands for; Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery also pronounced as “Cabbage”. CABG is known as a Gold standard surgical treatment for coronary artery disease. The success rate for this is said to be of 98 percent.
The coronary arteries, these are the arteries that bring blood to the heart muscles, they become clogged due to the plaque formation. Plaque formation is the building up of fat or cholesterol. This can slow down or even stop blood flow from flowing through blood vessels, which would then result in chest pain or a heart attack. When there is an increased amount of blood flow to the heart muscle, the chest pain and the risk of heart attacks could be reduced. This is the main reason, CABG surgery is done.

How is Surgery Done?

Down the center of the chest along the chest bone, an incision is made, which opens the rib cage apart so the heart is exposed. When the heart is exposed, it stops. The pumping and blood circulation function is then taken over by the heart-lung machine. A segment of a healthy blood vessel is taken from another part of the body which detours the blocked coronary artery.
A patient can undergo around three or more bypass grafts, this depends on the number of arteries that are blocked. There are many new surgical procedures. Some of them remove the use of the heart-lung machine or the need for making a larger incision. Others include the off-pump or beating heart surgery and the Minimally Invasive Surgery etc.

The Success Rate of Bypass Surgery in India

The success rate depends on the factors that should be considered while selecting the surgery procedure according to the individual. The success rate for bypass surgery is 98%. Studies show that after the surgery, the patients with the risk of heart attacks due to poor heart muscle functions have seen improvement in the function and the risk is reduced.
The success rate is also based on patients kidney problems, diabetes or hypertension, the lower the risk factors, the higher success. It also helps with reduced memory loss or thinking skills, lower death rates, low injury to the heart, few heart rhythm problems, etc.
India offers treatments at very reasonable costs and this makes it the healthcare hub even for international patients. They also provide the latest medical treatment facilities and offer the best of services as per the patients' comfort. The bypass surgery is available in major cities of India, like Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Hyderabad.

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Why you need the Services of the Best Heart Specialist Doctor in Delhi - Dr. Rajneesh Malhotra

Why you need the Services of the Best Heart Specialist Doctor in Delhi  Anybody living in Delhi with a heart condition needs the s...