Friday, March 8, 2019

Lifestyle Changes After Heart Transplant Surgery

Heart Transplant is a major advancement in surgery for people whose heart stops functioning and they have to undergo heart transplant surgery. However, after the heart transplant surgery, it is important to have certain lifestyle changes done to your daily routine, your food etc. If you undergo heart transplant surgery in India, your transplant would suggest a host of post-surgery changes in eating/lifestyle for faster recovery.

What are the lifestyle changes required after heart transplant?

Upon consulting experts of heart transplant surgery in Delhi, you will get to know that after a heart transplant surgery, it is really important to maintain an optimum body weight to keep a check on the blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, etc. Keeping the body weight in check helps in lowering the risk of transplant disease.
  • Maintaining an ideal body weight: It is really important after the heart transplant surgery in India, to keep your weight in control. A higher body weight means more blood needs to be pumped which would further mean higher pressure on the heart to pump. Body weight can be kept in control by-
    • Following a healthy diet.
    • Doing exercise.
It is very important as a post-surgery requirement to plan a right diet schedule and exercises that are required for your body type to stay healthy.
  • Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco: It is the utmost requirement to stop or keep a strict check on the consumption of these –
    • Caffeine: Caffeine is a CNS stimulant; consuming caffeine puts more pressure on the heart to pump the blood. Some of the serious effects of caffeine consumption are irregularities in heart rate, diarrhoea and insomnia.
Some of the less serious side effects include a headache, nervousness and trembling.
    • Alcohol:  Alcohol consumption should also be strictly controlled or should be altogether stopped. Alcohol affects the working of the liver which is a vital organ for the breakdown and metabolism of food and many medicines. Example – cyclosporine is broken down in the liver; therefore, for the medicines to work properly you should stop taking alcohol.
Apart from this, alcohol is high in calories and does not have any nutrient content. Alcohol increases the level of triglycerides in the body.
    • Smoking Tobacco: One should stop smoking and any sort of intake of tobacco in the body. Tobacco consumption reduces the capacity of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to various body parts; as a result,recovery of the injured tissues takes time.
    • Physical exercise: After the heart transplant surgery in Delhi, it is important to have a daily exercise plan as per the capability and strength of the body. Exercise helps in regaining the muscle strength and keeps the mood elevated.
However, the connection of the heart with nerves is not the same and one should not expect the body to respond in the same way as before surgery.
However, there will not be any chest pain due to angina or any other heart disorder after the transplant. It is important that one gets back to his or her normal routine and do some exercise as it would help in keeping the mood raised up and a faster recovery after the heart transplant will occur.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Medical Miracle Called Beating-Heart Surgery

Thousands of people go for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) each year. This is referred to as Bypass Surgery or Open-Heart Surgery and is performed by the top heart surgeons in Delhi if the blockage in the coronary arteries is severe. CABG used to be performed with the assistance of the heart lung machine on Cardio Pulmonary Bypass (CPB) traditionally. This medical practice is in trends nowadays as well. This open-heart surgery allows doctors to operate on a surface which is still and blood-free.
Unlike CABG, in beating-heart surgery the heart beat is not stopped and the heart lung machine is not used. This treatment is known as Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (OPCAB). Beating-heart surgery has to be performed in a highly stabilized environment as heart is still functioning to pump blood to the body parts.

Who needs to undergo OPCAB?

OPCAB offers a reliable option for a healthy heart for below mentioned category of high risk patients:
  • Severe left ventricular dysfunction
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Advanced age
  • Stroke
  • when hybrid procedures are required, like, a combination of stenting and bypass surgery or some other surgical correction.

Understanding the Surgical Procedure

  • Proper anesthesia will be given to you before performing the beating-heart surgery.
  • Then your cardiac surgeon in India will remove a portion of a healthy vein for grafting from your own body.
  • This graft will be used to bypass the blockage of the coronary artery. This helps in restoring the blood flow to the heart.
  • Heart positioner is used for the proper positioning of heart. The plaque is removed from the blocked arteries while the rest of the heart beats normally.
  • Tissue stabilizer helps to make heart steady and continue its normal beating process during OPCAB.
  • It is also important to note that at times off-pump surgery may need to be converted to on-pump surgery. This situation arises when there is hemodynamic instability or improper exposure of the vessels that are targeted during operation, or when there is global ventricular ischemia. This condition is a high risk and complicated one.
  • But, our top heart surgeons in Delhi who are globally trained and have decades of experience in handling most complicated cases, are easily able to handle such cases successfully.

Advantages of OPCAB procedure

  • Beating-heart surgery allows for a faster recovery of the patient after the surgery at a relatively less cost of treatment than CABG.
  • This surgery also reduces the need for blood transfusions and the time of hospitalization.
  • This surgical technique is also free from negative effects like fluid imbalance, inactivation of certain blood cells, damage to the platelets, affecting the function of heart, etc. These complications are otherwise more likely to happen in the traditional CABG technique.
However, it is important to note that OPCAB is not always used as a replacement for CABG. The decision regarding the same is taken by treating doctor, depending upon patient’s medical condition. Moreover, intra myocardial vessels and target vessels that are small and diffusely diseased cannot be operated through beating heart surgery technique.

5 Essential Tips for the Care of a Pediatric Cardiac Patient

Coronary illness is sufficiently troublesome when it strikes grown-ups; however, it can be particularly more severe in kids. A wide range of heart issues can influence youngsters. These include congenital heart defects, atherosclerosis, viral infections that affect the heart, and even heart disease acquired later in childhood due to sicknesses or hereditary disorders. Fortunately, with medical advancements and expertise of cardiology specialists in Delhi, numerous kids with coronary illness go ahead to live dynamic and active lives.
Here are the 5 essential tips suggested by the best cardiologist specialists in Delhi that may prove vital in the care of pediatric cardiac patients and help them stay as healthy and comfortable as possible:

Oxygen Therapy

The child suffering from cardiac problems requires extra oxygen supply at home. A small tube that rests at the entrance of the child’s nose helps to stabilize the supply of oxygen. The amount of oxygen as prescribed by physician should only be given through oxygen therapy.

Be patient and control your emotions

It is your attitude towards the patient that helps in the early revival than the magic of the medicines. Parents dealing with their child must show empathy and compassion. This will motivate the child and will be helpful in his early recovery. Don’t get irritated by abnormal behavior of the child during the treatment procedure.

Give medicines on time

Parents should be aware about the correct dosage and proper method to provide medicines to their children.You may even hire a professional nurse to take care of your child. Being strong, heart medicines can be hazardous if not given accurately. We also suggest that you maintain a written chart/record of your child’s medication.

Avoid external infections

The immunity of a child who suffers from a congenital heart disease is usually weak. So, parents have to take special care of their child. This is the reason that many cardiac patients are given antibiotic before surgical procedures. Strictly follow hygiene instructions given by the doctor and make it a habit for the child also.
Maintaining your child’s dental health and keeping him or her away from tooth infections is also very important in this regard. Any signs of skin infection or infection at the site of wound should immediately be reported to the treating doctor.

Take care of child’s nutritional needs

Infants affected by cardiac diseases have a higher metabolic rate and hence consume more calories. Proper care of their nutrition is must for keeping them in sound state. Being child, he or she may insist on having food items that may not be good for his or her health. When made to stay away from such stuff, they tend to get agitated, so handle them with utmost patience as this is bound to happen with anyone.
Make sure you always have something or the other to offer them as a healthy choice. Give small and frequent meals that are easy to digest and given them enough energy.
We also suggest you to keep a list of cardiology specialists in Delhi , particularly those handling pediatric cases, handy so that during emergency you can reach out to them.

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